Monday, 9 January 2012

Believe it or not the Buffalo is BACK!!!

Seen this bubbling under for a while now! All of a sudden the Buffalo is back in the ball game! Saw Robyn in them at WOW year and since seen more and more cropping up! And now you can purchase them in Office! I reckon this will be the same as the brothel creeper that was around for so long before it went main stream!! Watch this space it will happen!!

Put your hands up as Wildfox goes Western!

Wildfox SS12 campaign looks fantastic!! There was talk of western last season and I hands down didn't feel for it BUT I love how they have made it so new! Not just the typical jeans, check shirt cowboy boots which is such a remnant memory of the last cowboy trend a few summers ago! This is totally different and I think what and how they have done it looks amazing!! Wildfox never fails without a doubt!! Well done!

DIY! Dip dye!

I took to a little bit of DIY this weekend, felt inspired to try my own DIY dip dye! Had an old silk shirt, correction mum's old silk shirt so I dipped it in some pink! I also did some bleaching will post the results so stay tuned! Absolutely love the outcome! Look of the day today!

New Inks!

Inspired by these inks right now! I want a new one between my fingers or around my side!

Top of my list!

Right how many times have I said, the check shirt is back in a big way, but whats really got me excited beyond is this checked maxi!! Thank you Nastygal and Mink Pink!! So saving for this one right now!! Without a doubt!! It's going to be big!!

Monday, 2 January 2012


So we know there is a massive return to the check! This might take a bigger impact leading up to next AW, but this is definitely something you need to get onto!

Check shirt, Check trouser, skirt, coats! CHECK MATE!

Newest updates for the check shirt are these! Add one of the biggest techniques right now onto the check and there you have it a dip dyed/ bleach/ paint splattered check skirt!! That is on my wish list right now! You can get them on ASOS or downstairs from The Ragged Priest in Topshop oxford circus! It's got my vote!

If you not as daring then why not just try some studs and spikes to perk up the new 'IT' item!!