This was the first time anything like this had been done.... Vintage at Goodwood combined fashion and music. Why has this never been thought of before, what better combination!!? I went for work on Friday but next year I want to go all weekend for myself!! It was amazing... as you arrived you walked down a path with fairy light leading the way to the Entrance. When you got to the entrance there was a red carpet where you were greeted by photographers who took photos of everyone coming in which later got printed and put up on the street. Firstly all you see is a made up street! Where shops had been made up to from the high street with a clock tower at the bottom. Surrounded by vintage cars... where I fell in love with the Leopard print beetle and Moped... I will have one of those please, I could not resist having a photo taken in front of them. There was so much there, a fairground, sandpit and games for children, old fashioned cinema, lots of food with kooky little tea stands, a soul dance club, all the vintage stools and off course the main stage which came into it's own come the evening!! I was occupied all day let alone running after people to take trend photo's, it seemed everyone from the trade was there doing the same as me. Even Susie Bubble was there! I managed to keep out of the shops until it poured with rain!! That's when all the plastic poncho's came out... definitely not a fashion trend!! So that ruined my trend spotting. It was fabulous though as everyone really went for it with their costumes dressing to the era's. There were some however I managed to snap. I did get 2 fabulous dresses, I will be wearing them on my outfit posts as soon as!
Lets not forget the girls.... Who were walking around in vintage swimsuits and posing on the back of the motobikes when they did a test run around the place.
If you didn't know Biba are having another revival... they showcased the new collection at the Biba competition. I luckily got picked for it. Biba representatives picked 40 girls from the festival who best represented the Biba girl and we had to walk down a catwalk in a room full of people... typically after the rain so I looked like a fuzzy mess!! It was a lot of fun though! The atmosphere of the whole event was brilliant and everyone really loved it and I only went for one day!!
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